Agape Team: Liverpool

Okay Beverly...

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Bled, Slovenia

Rich says:
Rich says:
never judge a book by its cover
Rich says:
or indeed a slovenian town

Saturday, November 19, 2005

So Brit and Ryan (who hates our team blog...punch him in the arm if you see him) decided the other night while watching our faves the Lord of the Rings that our team of 9 is quite representative of the fellowship.
I'll just make him tell you all who we are! ha ha ha (meniacal laugh)

Monday, November 14, 2005

Thanks for the hilarious team night Ryan. Thought I would let you all relive the magic and allow our outside readers to make some guesses of their own....
Here are a few highlights...

1. Brit's question...what animal do I want to be? possible answers (one of these is an actual correct answer...try and guess which one) flying squirrel, panda, duck billed platypus, Indian elephant, manatee, liger, giraffe, chicken

2. Angie's question...if I were a fragrance, what would I be? vanilla, cocoa butter, lavender, incense in the fragrance of Himalayan waterfalls, pineapple pleasure and passion, sunshine after the rain, blackbeard's delight

3. My question...what did I used to eat as a kid? twinkies, cat food, potting soil, kiwis, my toenails, graham crackers with choc. chips and peanut butter, pennies

4. Ryan's question...what did the guidance office say my profession should be? Astronaut, clergy, olympic weight lifter, ice sculpture artist, gym teacher, firefighter, tugboat captain, paulbearer

5. Sarah's question...If I met a unicorn, what would I say to him? oh my gosh are you actually a unicorn?, Hey I have some chalk can I rub it on the tip of your horn and use it as a pool cue, can you take me for a ride through the magical clouds, what the H.E. double hockey sticks?, can I touch your horn?, Am I still in Australia?, may I have your horn to concoct a magical elixir that will give me the power to fly, pass me some more weed

any ideas on possible answers?

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Team, this isn't really blog worthy, but wanted to put it out there before I forgot. Apparently there's a new sing star "pop" edition released May 2005. Seems that Kelly HAS to be on there, and so make a suggestion that we should all chip in to buy it.

Can you say no to this face?

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

hey guys--look--i'm in manchester. ed and i hijacked some uni computers and are going crazy. i've pressured ed into signing up for our blog, but his name is showing up yet. weird, eh? the blog is rejecting the brit. what's that all about?

i'm doing this on a mac and i kind of hate it and DK you can't talk me out of it.

during our time in manchester this morning a man in a diaper approached us and asked us to buy him a 20ounce bottle of sprite. he was a descendant from a long line of sheep herders and he wanted to make an elixir passed down through his shephering generations to ease the pain of the blisters on his hands.

ed and i walked with him to a newsagent and there while standing in line, a rack holding a stack of newspapers (mainly The Guardian) fell on top of this man and knocked him out. ed FLIPPED out and bent down to cradle the man's head in his arms, but being the sensible one, i screamed "DON'T MOVE HIM...HE MAY HAVE A NECK INJURY."

i dialed 999 and an ambulance came racing down slickened oxford road to the rescue of this diaper clad generational shepherd, but to our complete shock and amazement, the ambulance hit the curb very quickly, jumped it and crashed through the window of the starbucks next door.

minutes afterward the man came to and asked for a magnum bar--which restored his spirits and gave him the energy that he needed.

i just wanted to let you guys know that we're OKAY if you see anything about it on the news tonight and since ed's associated with this story and is the one who has the conscience in this priority campus duo, i have to confess that this is all a lie.

Monday, October 31, 2005

To our fearless team leader, I make a request that you share your story of the unsaid traumatic event occurring on fri. 28 Oct with the world. know this is slightly overwhelming/embarrassing, but it just so happens that there's a perfect website you could compete on...

so as you're probably all aware, today is all hallow's eve, or halloween as the hippies call it.

halloween is more of a fun, kiddie-like holiday in the states, but here in the UK, the holiday is a little different. it mainly exists as an excuse for getting ridiculously intoxicated and for those younger hooligans, it exists so that they have a really good excuse to throw eggs at cars, buses, people, small children, cute puppies, and kitties with only one leg.

i was thinking of how our team should fight the man and take back the childlike ways of halloween, so i highly suggest that tonight for team night we go to pickton road dressed in silly costumes.

maybe hearing the suggestion of pickton road puts you on edge a little, but what better way to recapture the night than by going into the heart of the danger.

please find enclosed a picture of sarah toth's costume for this evening.

News Team Assemble!!!

Agape team assemble!! This is the '05-'06 Liverpool Agape Team's Blog, so feel free to look around and leave some comments.