Agape Team: Liverpool

Okay Beverly...

Saturday, November 19, 2005

So Brit and Ryan (who hates our team blog...punch him in the arm if you see him) decided the other night while watching our faves the Lord of the Rings that our team of 9 is quite representative of the fellowship.
I'll just make him tell you all who we are! ha ha ha (meniacal laugh)


At 10:57 AM, Blogger Andy said...

sorry, but this is obsessing me. It's mAniacal, mEniacal just doesn't make any sense, 'Today the police chased an armed mEniac'?? I mean really, what's that all about?

At 4:53 PM, Blogger Alasdair said...

KC, is it only you who actually posts on here??

At 8:34 AM, Blogger Rich said...

Good question Alasdair. KC - is this just another blog for yourself?

Oh and Brit and DK I do realise you have also posted.

And I appreciate all postings equally. And I'm going making a hot drink.

At 10:25 PM, Blogger TomS said...

Glad to hear Cultural Diversity Training is going well. I wish I could be there to represent an Edinburgh Stint, But alas I'm in Vegas sharing Christ as a Mere student again.. Tell Larry and Bayta and Everyone in Agape Tom Schmidt says hi!

At 3:23 PM, Blogger andyd said...

I knew the team blog thing was just a phase.


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