Agape Team: Liverpool

Okay Beverly...

Monday, November 14, 2005

Thanks for the hilarious team night Ryan. Thought I would let you all relive the magic and allow our outside readers to make some guesses of their own....
Here are a few highlights...

1. Brit's question...what animal do I want to be? possible answers (one of these is an actual correct answer...try and guess which one) flying squirrel, panda, duck billed platypus, Indian elephant, manatee, liger, giraffe, chicken

2. Angie's question...if I were a fragrance, what would I be? vanilla, cocoa butter, lavender, incense in the fragrance of Himalayan waterfalls, pineapple pleasure and passion, sunshine after the rain, blackbeard's delight

3. My question...what did I used to eat as a kid? twinkies, cat food, potting soil, kiwis, my toenails, graham crackers with choc. chips and peanut butter, pennies

4. Ryan's question...what did the guidance office say my profession should be? Astronaut, clergy, olympic weight lifter, ice sculpture artist, gym teacher, firefighter, tugboat captain, paulbearer

5. Sarah's question...If I met a unicorn, what would I say to him? oh my gosh are you actually a unicorn?, Hey I have some chalk can I rub it on the tip of your horn and use it as a pool cue, can you take me for a ride through the magical clouds, what the H.E. double hockey sticks?, can I touch your horn?, Am I still in Australia?, may I have your horn to concoct a magical elixir that will give me the power to fly, pass me some more weed

any ideas on possible answers?


At 3:00 PM, Blogger Brittney said...

this was one of my favorite team nights EVER.

--the manatee

At 3:40 PM, Blogger Danny Kwon said...

absolutely amazing. two thumbs up... and pass the weed.

At 5:41 PM, Blogger Brittney said...




At 8:54 AM, Blogger andyd said...

Were you lot smoking pot?

At 4:50 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I think our team nights should be used as a recruitment tactic

At 1:50 AM, Blogger Gary Wallis said...

Sounds a good tactic to me

my guess is

1 panda
2 sunshine after the rain
3 kiwi's (i hope)
4 gym teacher
5 the magical ride in the coulds thing

will I ever find out the right answers?

At 6:14 PM, Blogger Brittney said...

1 indian elephant
2 sunshine after the rain
3 potting soil
4 tugboat captain
5 the magical ride in the clouds thing

pretty good maggers.


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