Agape Team: Liverpool

Okay Beverly...

Monday, October 31, 2005

To our fearless team leader, I make a request that you share your story of the unsaid traumatic event occurring on fri. 28 Oct with the world. know this is slightly overwhelming/embarrassing, but it just so happens that there's a perfect website you could compete on...

so as you're probably all aware, today is all hallow's eve, or halloween as the hippies call it.

halloween is more of a fun, kiddie-like holiday in the states, but here in the UK, the holiday is a little different. it mainly exists as an excuse for getting ridiculously intoxicated and for those younger hooligans, it exists so that they have a really good excuse to throw eggs at cars, buses, people, small children, cute puppies, and kitties with only one leg.

i was thinking of how our team should fight the man and take back the childlike ways of halloween, so i highly suggest that tonight for team night we go to pickton road dressed in silly costumes.

maybe hearing the suggestion of pickton road puts you on edge a little, but what better way to recapture the night than by going into the heart of the danger.

please find enclosed a picture of sarah toth's costume for this evening.

News Team Assemble!!!

Agape team assemble!! This is the '05-'06 Liverpool Agape Team's Blog, so feel free to look around and leave some comments.